A suspense thriller series directed by Sujoy Ghosh, Typewriter is a typical Netflix series, set in Goa with the best direction, amazing acting, wonderful execution and engaging storyline. The director attempts a crosswise storytelling to keep the viewers engaged, which is quite impressive.
The series takes off on an exciting note. The story lies more in suspense than horror. The former half revolves around a haunted house , “the ghost in the attic” and the agog twists ,however in the latter half of the series, the director sheds lights on the backstory of the ‘Fakeer’ and the origin of the ghost of Sultanpur.
At the centre of the show is the bright, brave and spunky leader-of-the-wolfpack Sameera Anand (Arna shrama) and her gang, whose smart and mischievous antics always get themselves into trouble. Kind of like the kid-detective shows, except here instead of cracking the case using clues and evidences, all they do is follow a book.
The highlight of the series apparently is the mystery behind the titular typewriter, which seems to harbor a grudge against those who try to remove it from the house. The story even though simplistic is engaging, the actors are quite competent, direction is appreciable and the production values are good. It is surely a decent watch!