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MX player’s original web show, Aafat, attempts to appeal to a different audience across discrete geology. Director Shashant Shah turns off the GEC element – with the content of the series on female-oriented subjects that gives the narrative a pleasing flavour. The series is an intriguing watch starring Seema Pahwa, Aditi Manchanda, Nikita Dutta, Chitrashi Rawat, Neelam Sivia, Anshul Chauhan, and Pushtii Shakti.

The narrative revolves around 5 women who are bursting conventions while striving to get coupled in Delhi’s arranged marketplace. It leads to the fore how small things that can be called quirks can play such an immense part when it comes to a girl getting espoused. The various plots are displayed in a light-hearted, non-preachy way, and that has a flash connect with the viewers.

A boy and his parents are looking for the ideal bride. They get in touch with a marriage bureau and choose to meet 5 girls. All the girls are from diverse roads of life, but the one thing they all share among them is they live choking lives because of patriarchy and societal influence – whether deft or unsubtle. One of them is a divorcee, another is stout, yet another doesn’t wax (that’s a unique one), while someone else is on a searching spree for love. Another one is radical, and a blunt one at that – who regularly use cuss words

The series has an engaging screenplay and is a fresh look at age-old patriarchy. Grand acting skills from the cast pull this act together. The best part about the set is that it drives out in the open civil patriarchy. People have a misunderstanding that patriarchy breathes either only in rural India or the middle-class in the city crowd. However, this series proves all that wrong.

  • More information about the show:
  • Release date: February 20, 2019
  • Show language: Hindi
  • Cast:

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