The producers have tried really hard to cope up with the trend but could not justify the efforts. The story revolves around Sahil Gujral (Arjun Mathur), who hails from a decent middle-class family who dies soon after getting infected with the deadly coronavirus. As per the storyline, Sahil after his trip from Bangkok starts showing symptoms of the novel coronavirus. Shortly after getting tested. And the nightmare comes true, he tests positive with coronavirus. Suggested by the doctor, he was admitted to Janki Sadan hospital. In no time, Sahil’s family is informed of the expected demise of their beloved son, and the cremation duties will be taken care of by the hospital. The story takes a sharp turn when Sahil’s sister Amara Gujral (Shweta Tripathi Sharma), gets a call from his dead brother. Soon after this, they come to terms with a dramatic revelation.

The story depicts the struggles the close family members face because of the sudden lockdown imposed to break the curve of coronavirus spread. All the close family members were stuck in the different cities of India. Sahil’s wife Suhani (Shriya Pilgaonkar) was in Mumbai, his father Rajeev Gujral (Sanjeev Kapoor) resides in New Delhi. Gujral’s mom was stuck in Lucknow.

The 4 parts long, mini web series is directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat. The storyline is loose and doesn’t force audiences to stay glued to their seats. However, there is a catch that the entire series is shot at home with iPhones. And the series is exclusively starring on Voot Select.