The Night Manager is an upcoming web series that is set to be a gripping crime thriller, starring Anil Kapoor and Aditya Roy Kapur. The show follows the story of The Night Manager at a luxury hotel, who finds himself caught up in a web of lies and deceit when a powerful criminal organization sets up shop at his hotel. The series promises to be a thrilling ride, with a strong cast and a well-written script.
Anil Kapoor is set to play the lead role of the night manager, and is expected to bring his signature intensity and intensity to the role. Aditya Roy Kapur will be playing the role of the leader of the criminal organization. Kapur has proved his acting skills in various films and is expected to give a power-packed performance in this series as well.
The Night Manager is directed by well-known film-maker and is produced by a prestigious production house, which promises to make it a standout series among the many crime thrillers available to watch on streaming platforms. The show is expected to be a mass entertainer, with a well-written script that appeals to audiences of all ages. With a combination of talented actors, and a strong production team behind the camera, The Night Manager is sure to be a hit when it premieres exclusively on Disney+Hotstar.