Rudra, the action-thriller web series released on Disney Hotstar in 2022, quickly became the highest-watched show of the year, garnering millions of views and positive reviews from both audiences and critics. The series, starring Ajay Devgn in the lead role of Rudra Desai, a fearless and ruthless police officer, was a hit for a number of reasons.

First and foremost, the show had a gripping storyline that kept audiences on the edge of their seats. The show follows Rudra as he battles corruption, politics, and personal demons. The story is not only well-written but also well-executed, with twists and turns that kept audiences guessing until the very end. The pacing of the show was also spot-on, with each episode leaving audiences wanting more.

highest watched web series 2022

Another factor that contributed to the show’s success was its strong performances, particularly from Ajay Devgn. The actor, known for his roles in Bollywood blockbusters, gave a powerful and nuanced performance as Rudra Desai. His portrayal of the character was both intimidating and vulnerable, and he was able to convey the complexities of the character’s emotions and motivations. The rest of the cast, including Atul Kulkarni, Ashwini Kalsekar and Esha Deol, also gave strong performances that added depth and nuance to the story.

Rudra had some intense action sequences were also a major draw for audiences.

The series featured some of the most high-octane and well-choreographed action scenes seen in an Indian web series. The stunts were well executed and the special effects were top-notch. The action scenes were not only visually stunning but also added to the story, making them more than just a spectacle.

cinematography and production design of Rudra were also top-notch.

The show’s visuals were striking and beautiful, with the show’s locations, costumes, and sets all adding to the story and immersing the audience in the world of Rudra. The show’s use of color and lighting was particularly impressive, with the show’s visuals often evoking a sense of danger and unease.

Success of Rudra was also due in part to its timely themes.

The show dealt with important issues such as corruption and police brutality, which are still very much relevant today. The show’s portrayal of these issues was nuanced and thought-provoking, and it sparked important conversations about these issues.

Rudra was marketed against the odds

Another reason for the show’s success is the way it was marketed. The show’s trailers and promotional materials were well-made and effectively conveyed the show’s tone and themes. The show’s marketing campaign was able to generate buzz and excitement among audiences, and it helped to build anticipation for the show’s premiere.

In conclusion, Rudra is a show that had all the elements of a hit – a gripping storyline, strong performances, intense action sequences, stunning visuals, and timely themes. The show was able to strike a chord with audiences, and it quickly became one of the most-watched shows of the year. The show’s success is a testament to the hard work and talent of the show’s creators, and it has set the bar high for future Indian web series.