Rudra is a web series released on Disney Hotstar, starring Ajay Devgn in the lead role. The show is an action-packed thriller that follows the story of a fearless and ruthless police officer named Rudra Desai. He is known for his unorthodox methods of policing and his relentless pursuit of criminals. The series takes us on a journey through his life as he battles corruption, politics, and personal demons.
Rudra’s past comes back to haunt him as he gets embroiled in a dangerous game of power and politics. The show also stars actors such as Abhinav Shukla and Sonakshi Sinha. The series has received positive response from the audience and critics for its strong performances, gripping storyline and intense action sequences. Ajay Devgn’s portrayal of Rudra Desai has been widely praised. Overall, Rudra is a must-watch for fans of action-thriller genre and Ajay Devgn’s fans.