Tazaa Khabar is a drama web series that streams on Disney Hotstar. The series follows the story of a new channel launch, which sets the tone for the rest of the series. The show takes a hard-hitting look at the ethics of news reporting and the pressure to deliver the news quickly, without verifying the facts. The plot of the series revolves around the anchor and his team’s pursuit of the truth, regardless of the consequences. The series is a gripping and thought-provoking watch that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.
The show stars Bhuvan Bam, Namit Das, Raima Sen, and Rajesh Sharma as the lead characters. Bhuvan Bam plays the role of a news anchor who is known for his quick wit, sharp tongue and hard-hitting journalism. The series is a perfect blend of drama, suspense, and storytelling that keeps the audience engaged and invested. The show is not only entertaining but also educates the audiences on the realities of the news industry, fake news and how it can shape public opinion.